The Arkansas Hearing Society, (AHS), is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering the gift of hearing to the hearing impaired. One of the many functions of the AHS is to provide training for the Hearing Professionals, Licensed Hearing Aid Dispensers and Audiologist, including but not limited to, offering Continuing Educations Units, (CEUs), as required by Arkansas Law, at our annual convention.
Each year more than one hundred Hearing Professionals join us at the Comfort Inn & Suites Presidential in Little Rock. We would not be able to continue to offer the quality level of National Speakers and Education Sessions without the help and financial backing of our vendors and manufacturers, and donations from our generous sponsors. We strive to provide our attendees a professional event at an affordable price and that is where you can be of great help.
We are asking for your support in the form of a donation for silent auction or by being a sponsor of one or more of the four sponsorships offered below. We greatly appreciate your support.
Thank you for your support for the hearing impaired.
Complete and return our sponsorship letter with payment by mail or by using PayPal below.
Full Page Ad in Directory - $250
(Ad must be provided by the sponsor)
Break Sponsor - $750
(Includes full page ad in directory and signage during your break)
Lunch Sponsor - $1500
(Includes full page ad in directory and signage throughout the meeting)
Break and Lunch Sponsor - $2000
(Includes full page ad, signage throughout the meeting, and a booth with electric)