What is the Arkansas Hearing Society?

AHS is an Arkansas Corporation which consists of five (5) duly elected Board of Directors and four (4) duly elected officers. One of the society's prime objectives is to offer continuing education for the dispensers of Arkansas with a purpose of benefiting both the dispensers and the hearing impaired population in out state. Throughout the past several decades, the Arkansas Hearing Society has set a state-wide standard for the dispensers to strive for and achieve. In 1967 it was AHS who first contacted the state legislators to enact state licensure laws which benefited both the dispensers and the hearing impaired public. AHS members are honored for their excellence in service to our state's hearing impaired with the Thomas A. LeBlanc.

Who can be a member of the Arkansas Hearing Society?

Regular Members

AHS has an exclusive membership that consists of only licensed hearing care professionals, dispensers, and audiologists alike. Only licensed hearing care professionals can become regular members with full voting rights. Annual membership in the society is $135.00

Associate Members

AHS also offers an associate membership for internship students, non-licensed employees of licensed members in good standing, representatives of hearing instrument manufacturers, and all other individuals interested in the health and well-being of the hearing impaired population. The annual membership fee for associate members is $50.00.

Why become a member of the Arkansas Hearing Society?

As a hearing care professional, the Arkansas Hearing Society needs you as a member to work with us in promoting and preserving our profession as we strive to serve the hearing impaired throughout the state of Arkansas. We need to be strong in numbers and in resources to meet the challenges that are ahead of us as our profession continues to evolve and change.

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